When tasked with celebrating 50 years of the strong community of CEOs working to promote a thriving economy and opportunity for all Americans, the thought of celebrating major milestones from the last five decades seemed like a no-brainer. The result? An exhibition-style celebration highlighting the Business RoundTable’s history on display in between pods of each of the last 5 decades adorned with memorabilia and tchotchkes, curated cocktails, and menus to take guests back in time while celebrating the future ahead.
Going Back and to the Future
Business Roundtable’s 50th anniversary provided a whimsical experience with areas intentionally celebrating each decade from the 1970s to the 2010s. Guests were given opportunities to learn more about current BRT members and hear about what’s next through interactive tech displays and a 20-foot wall filled with portraits of each CEO member.
Event Partnership Success
From inception to execution, the Linder team and partners transformed the National Portrait Gallery’s Kogod Courtyard into a series of moments in time to remember the milestones of the past while celebrating the opportunities of an exciting future ahead.
Success in the Details

Venue Highlights
Using the iconic National Portrait Gallery’s Kogod Courtyard, the event gathered over 1,200 guests to illuminate every inch of the corner of the courtyard.

Unique Elements
Endless “Instagrammable” spots for guests to share the excitement surrounding the evening from jean pockets with hot food (“hot pockets”)) near the 90’s pod, to a bright orange phone booth near the 70’s pod, real PacMan and Ms. PacMan arcade games (no coins required!) near the 80’s pod.

Linder Moments
Creating an interactive evening that left guests glowing as they were transformed to the experiences of their past and the power of BRT’s 50 years of influence.

Brand Exposure
Subtle touches with BRT logo throughout event including projected 50th anniversary logo on each wall, signage in every decade pod, and a wave-like interactive installation for guests to learn about BRT through each year in the last 5 decades.
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